Thursday, 2 December 2010

[Recipe] Green Tea Chiffon Cake

[Recipe] Green Tea Chiffon Cake


40g egg yolks
40g castor sugar (sugar A)
40cc salad oil
40cc water
80g cake flour
1/8 teaspoon
10g green tea powder
40cc contruie
30g Japanese canned red beans (optional)
160g egg whites
30g castor sugar (sugar B)

Methods:1. Adjust an oven rack to the lower-middle position. Preheat oven to 175C.
2. Combine the cake flour, green tea powder, and salt in a bowl.
3. With a hand-held mixer, beat the egg yolk with 1/3 of sugar A until combined and add the rest of sugar A in 2 addition until combined and fluffy.
4. Add in salad oil, mixed well. Continue with water and then contruiet. Beat until combined.
5. Reduce the speed to low and add the flour mixture in 3 addition. Mix on low speed until smooth , about 30 seconds. Use a rubber spatula to give the batter a final stir. Set aside.
6. In separate bowl, start beating egg whites until foamy. Add the sugar B in 3 additions and continue to beat until soft peaks form.
7. Using rubber spatula, scoop about 1/3 of egg white mixture to the batter , mixed well.
8. Pour the batter into egg white mixture and fold in using rubber spatula. ( Note: Fold in quick but very gently ,do not deflate the batter.)
9. Pour the batter in to the 17cm ungreased chiffon cake mould and smooth the top. Spinkle the red bean on the batter and push in using a chopstick.Place the cake in the oven. Adjust the oven temperature to 170 C from 175C and bake, without opening the oven door, until the toothpick comes out clean, about 40 minutes.
10. Immediately upon removing the cake from the oven invert the pan and place on a bottle or flat surface so it is suspended over the counter. Let the cake cool completely before removing from pan (about 1 1/2 - 2 hours).
11. To remove the cake from the pan, run a long metal spatula around the inside of the tube pan and center core. Invert onto a greased wire rack.
*Can store in an airtight container for a few days at room temperature or for about 6 days in the refrigerator. This cake can also be frozen for a couple of months.

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