Friday, 21 January 2011

[Recipe] Pandan Chiffon Cake 烫面香兰叶戚风

[Recipe] Pandan Chiffon Cake (Warm Batter Technique)

 5      Yolks
70g   Coconut Milk
40g   Pandan Essence
50g   Unsalted Butter
90g   Cake Flour
 5      Egg Whites
80g   Castor Sugar

  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees celcius and adjust the oven rack to middle position. * Cake will raise around 1.5 inches while baking, to prevent burning the top of the cake, adjust your oven rack position to middle low if using smaller oven.
  2. Combine coconut milk, unsalted butter and pandan leaves essence in non-stick pot on the stove with low heat untill the butter melted. Turn off the heat. * Do not boil it !
  3. Sift cake flour into the pot immediately, mix well. * Mixture should look like baby food/cereal.
  4. Gradually add in the yolks and mix well using rubber spatula.
  5. In seperate bowl, beat the egg whites on high speed for 20 seconds. Slow down to medium-low and add in the sugar in 2 additions. Beat untill soft peak.
  6. Scoop 1/3 of fluffy egg white and add into the yolk-butter-flour mixture. Stir and mix well using rubber spatula.
  7. Pour the yolk-butter-flour mixture into the fluffy egg white and fold it fast but very gently with a rubber spatula untill combined.
  8. Transfer the batter to the 8 inches chiffon cake mould.
  9. Bake untill golden brown and a wooden skewer insert into the center of the center comes out clean, about 40 minutes.
  10. Turn the cake upside down imediately after taking out from the oven (See the picture below). Cool the cake completely before removing cake from the mould , leave it overnight will have the best result.
  11. The trick of making this cake is the speed, the batter you pour into the mould should be warm still so the preparation of ingredients is very important.
[食谱]  烫面香兰叶戚风

5个   蛋黄
70g   椰奶/椰浆
40g   香兰叶精华
50g   无盐牛油
90g   低筋面粉
5个   蛋白
80g   砂糖

  1. 预热烤箱至170度,烤架置于烤箱中间的位置。*戚风蛋糕在烘烤过程中会膨胀约1.5寸高。 如果使用较小的烤箱,可将烤架置于烤箱中下的位置避免表面烤焦。
  2. 把椰奶,奶油,香兰叶精华于不粘锅内用小火加热至奶油溶化,熄火。*不能烧开! 
  3. 乘热筛入低筋面粉,用橡皮刮刀攪拌均勻。*面糊的质感应像婴儿食品。
  4. 慢慢加入蛋黃,攪拌均勻。
  5. 于另一个容器内,用搅拌器高速搅拌蛋白20秒,然后降中低速,分两次加入砂糖,将蛋白打至湿性发泡。
  6. 先捞1/3的蛋白霜加入香兰蛋黄面糊中。用橡皮刮刀搅拌,将蛋白霜大略拌入香兰蛋黄面糊中。
  7. 将拌入蛋白霜的香兰蛋黄面糊倒入蛋白霜中,用橡皮刮刀快速并轻轻搅拌均匀。
  8. 将面糊倒入8寸戚风模内。
  9. 把烤模放进预热了的烤箱。烘烤途中尽量不要打开烤箱门,直到蛋糕烤到金黄色和牙签穿刺不粘即可出炉,约40分钟。(请视个人烤箱和模具自行调整烘烤所需时间)
  10. 出炉后马上到扣放凉(看下图),至到模子完全凉透才能脱模。最好可以放一个晚上。
  11. 这个蛋糕的訣竅就是,從製作蛋黃麵糊一直到将面糊倒入戚风模内,溫度都还是溫溫的。所以前置作业很重要哦!


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